Singing Coaching.
There are so many reasons to sing!
Whether you are a professional singer or someone who loves to make a noise, singing is beneficial emotionally, psychologically, and is an important part of your identity. Your voice – both speaking voice and singing voice – are there to be heard.
There are no non-singers. There are just practised and non-practised voices.
Singing has been proven to strengthen your immune system, singing is an aerobic activity, and helps improve your cardiovascular system. Singing relieves stress and tension and the release of endorphins gives you a real energy boost. Singing builds your self confidence and self-esteem.
So how do we go about this?
Firstly, the singing teacher and student must feel comfortable and safe. Our relationship is based on trust. You are being vulnerable allowing me to hear and comment on your voice. Not every teacher is the right teacher for every student, so I begin with a consultation lesson where we explore the hopes and potential goals of the singer, my methods of teaching and see if we are able to work together. I am always happy to recommend other professionals if there is not a match.
There are many approaches to singing and it is the teacher’s job to keep up to date with what is going on in the world of the voice. I am conversant with teaching methods from bel canto to Estill and have taught every variety of musical style and form.
If you are a novice singer, we begin with the basics and create a solid foundation that will remain with you for the rest of your singing life.
But wherever you are in the vocal spectrum, a novice or professional, we will look for the unique you both in sound and interpretation. It is important to find the right repertoire for you. That is a journey of exploration. It is always worth examining different genres and discovering what suits you. All songs demand an emotional narrative, all songs are character driven in some way and demand an authentic, and imaginative approach. All songs will build your creativity and release the joy in your voice.
Obviously, we will find the right key for you, and I will suggest breath and dynamics, vocal placements and text work. I will offer you effective vocal exercises from own book Sing! which will strengthen breath support and vocal range. I will also create arrangements for your auditions including 16 bar cuts, introductions and endings, along with a professional piano accompaniment for you to practice to or take to an audition.