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Musical Theatre.

Paul's first professional musical was 'Ello 'Ello 'Ello in 1983 and alongside a variety of book writers, has been composing successful musicals since. Here are a selection of them below.

Ode To Joyce

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"Bravissimo. It’s a wonderful show that makes you cry as well as laugh and leaves you marvelling at Joyce’s wit and wisdom!"

'Ello, 'Ello, 'Ello!

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"A zany irreverent look at the British Bobby  with a catchy score by Paul Knight." 



"The stylish songs – one of them a true show stopper – give the production that special spark of charm….

One of the highlights for me was the opening of Act 2 -the cricket team lead by Philip Tsaras’ tap dancing Games Master in a wonderful number True Team Spirit which had most of the audience tapping too."

Should Old Acquaintance

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"Paul Knight gives immaculate backing at the keyboards with support from the sax playing trio Andy Serkis Peter Forbes and Beccy Wright. He contributes the very effective original music…."



“It is an entertaining combination of b-movie and modern musical, not afraid to poke fun at either. Endearingly bizarre.”



'a passionate and moving score telling the story of  the improper love between the young Jewish girl Esther and the Persian King Xerxes. Don’t miss it! "

A Christmas Carol

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"Conveys the essence of the Dicken’s Classic a cast of eight narrate and sing the story of Scrooge and his path to redemption with energy and exuberance."

Treasure Island

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"Treasure Island is entertaining and utterly compelling from the moment the five performers burst into the theatre; filling every area of the traverse stage, and every moment of the story with energy and wit. ..... the songs, written by Paul Knight, are far superior to the usual musical numbers found in this type show and with catchy tunes and witty, touching lyrics, giving depth to the play."

Rights of Man


“As the struggle between good and evil moved towards its inevitable conclusion you could have heard a pin drop in the auditorium, the silence only broken by the sniffing of many people trying to hold back tears – and yes, I was one of them. In my book, any production that grips the audience to such an extent has got it absolutely right.” 

The Turn of the Screw

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“An edgy operatic score…. A production that will long stay in the memory.”

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